Friday, May 13, 2011

Another Clojure snippet

In my continuing adventure learning Clojure, I've put together a bit of code that takes a collection of strings and filters any that are contained in another string.

To whoever is interested:

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Risk Roll'n (with Clojure)

Once upon a time my frequent and unlucky defeats while playing Risk led me to build super simple Monte Carlo-style simulator for Risk battles. It didn't help me win any more often, but at least I could complain about my losses by showing just how unlikely they were.  It was a consolation prize of sorts.

Recently I've been learning Clojure with the intent of trying out Cascalog for simplifying Hadoop workflows. It's been ages since I've programmed in a functional language, so I wanted a bite sized project to help get comfy with Clojure. The Risk battle simulator seemed like a good fit - so here it is rebuilt with Clojure-y goodness.

Like I said, I'm new to Clojure, so don't assume any of that is idiomatic. Nonetheless, the code is pretty concise compared to my Java implementation and the slick Incanter library made it easy to chart the distribution of outcomes for a battle.

Running "(view-outcomes {:attackers 10 :defenders 10} 1000000)" will compute and chart the outcomes of a million 10 vs. 10 risk battles. The magnitude on the outcome axis indicates how many armies are left, the negative range means the defender wins and positive means the attacker wins.

So the next time your 20 armies are destroyed by 12 measly defenders, you can point at this chart and complain with accuracy: